Health and Safety Consultants and Training for any building project, from construction and use, to maintenance and demolition
"Thank you for the personalised and relevant training sessions, we appreciate the level of effort you put into both the preparation and delivery and feel there is a positive outlook by the team on our responsibilities as designers for current and future projects"
The management of risk during the design process is essential for a project that can be built safely and maintained safely. In taking account of the General Principles of Prevention designers are required to assess the risks implicit in their designs. Design Risk Assessments must be core to the day-to-day activities of designers. We encourage design organisation to simplify their procedures and provide the right tools to their designers to make Design Risk Assessments easier.
Design risk management is not a paperwork exercise for the sake of paper. It is necessary so that the actions taken by the designers to mitigate risk is clearly communicated to subsequent duty holders. We have an example of a design risk assessment here (pdf).
Managing safety during the design process can also make a big difference to the lives, health and well-being of those who work on the buildings and other structures that we are involved with. It affects construction workers, maintenance workers, the building users and members of the public.
Assure HSC has many years of experience in the area Design Risk Management. We are at the forefront of the development of simplified risk management guides and tools. Contact us today to bring our valuable experience to bare on your construction projects.