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Health and safety expertise for any building project, from construction and use, to maintenance and demolition

Information resources:



We have provided examples of our approach on the following pages. Please feel free to browse the information. Please contact us if you have any queries in relation to how we can assist you.

  • Downloads include:
    • examples of Design Risk Assessments and a Design Management Flowchart;
    • A presentation in video format;
    • One of our newsletters highlights the changes in the 2013 Construction Regulations;
    • A full colour brochure for Assure Health & Safety Consultants.
  • We will provide examples of our dynamic solutions, whcih communicate complex information;
  • We have also included information on the structure of the legislation;
  • Our selection of web pages will provide you with a road map for important health and safety resources, relevant to you.

This is provided for information purposes only. With respect to these documents, Assure Health & Safety Consultants Limited does not make any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information.




Assure Health & Safety Consultants Limited
Gurtnafleur Business Park, Clonmel, County Tipperary, E91 F9N7, Ireland
Powerstown Way, Clonmel, County Tipperary, E91 K4K7, Ireland
T 052 6127630 F 052 6127631 E

View Niall O'Donovan's LinkedIn profile View Niall O'Donovan's profile |

Health and Safety Consultants | Project Supervisor Design Process | Accident Investigation | Design Risk Management
Safety Managment System | Safety Audits | Workplace Health and Safety
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