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Health and Safety Consultancy for any building project, from construction and use, to maintenance and demolition

Our services:


"Thank you for the personalised and relevant training sessions, we appreciate the level of effort you put into both the preparation and delivery and feel there is a positive outlook by the team on our responsibilities as designers for current and future projects"


Assure Health & Safety Consultants can help you manage health and safety risks during the procurement and design of your projects.

We listen to our clients to get a full understanding of their requirements and then develop policies for improving their ability to influence a safer project.

We produce documents that are specific to you and your project team.

Please review the services we provide and contact us to discuss your project requirements.

Assure Health and Safety Consultants is an Adobe Solution Partner.

Adobe Solution Partner




Assure Health & Safety Consultants Limited
Gurtnafleur Business Park, Clonmel, County Tipperary, E91 F9N7, Ireland
Powerstown Way, Clonmel, County Tipperary, E91 K4K7, Ireland
T 052 6127630 F 052 6127631 E safety@assurehsc.ie

View Niall O'Donovan's LinkedIn profile View Niall O'Donovan's profile |

Health and Safety Consultants | Project Supervisor Design Process | Accident Investigation | Design Risk Management
Safety Managment System | Safety Audits | Workplace Health and Safety
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